Pre-order the Spinning Time Witch
Releases 3/09/2018
■Continued Development Focus on Limited Formats
Continuing with the designs implimented in Ancient Nights, this set heavily supports sealed and booster pack draft formats for continued enjoyability. The five basic rulers are also included to provide immediate fun for any players, new or old, who come to the store to purchase this set.
■Basic Magic Stones and Basic Rulers Included
This too, is a carryover from the precedent set by Ancient Nights. Basic magic stones (Light Magic Stone, Fire Magic Stone, etc.) cannot be pulled from booster packs. Instead six copies of each asic magic stone are included in a separate pack in each booster box, along with one copy of each of the basic rulers.
1 Pack Contains 10 Cards
1 Box Contains 36 Packs
1 Carton Contains 6 Boxes
165 Kinds of Cards in Total (Including Basic Rulers and Basic Magic Stones)